Davis 590 Lifestyle

  • Model Davis Lifestyle
  • Basic vehicle Fiat
  • Basic motorisation 2,2 ltr
  • Technically permissible overall weight¹ 3.500 kg
  • Weight in ready-to-drive state² 2820 (2679 - 2961) kg
  • Bed shape Double bed
  • Total length 5.990 mm
  • Sleeping areas 2
  • Extension to X sleeping places 3
  • Seating areas³ 4

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Karmann-Mobil Baureihe Davis Lifestyle The carefully designed, spacious room partition and furnishings with high-quality furniture elements, such as the intricate wall unit flaps with high-gloss décor, communicate the impression of a bright, modern space that is the hallmark of all Davis models. And there’s something else that makes our Davis models real all-rounders too: the extensive insulation of the interior ensures that you can travel totally relaxed whatever the time of year. Potential cold bridges such as struts, spars and window surrounds have been encased in all-round insulation. This keeps the heat out for longer in summer and the warmth inside in winter. When it rains, the noise level also drops by almost 50%.
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